Case Studies

Critical High Purity Water Solutions for Cancer Research

We helped one of the nation’s top cancer research centers improve the purity and performance of their high purity water system by replacing “natural” unpigmented PP with the superior AlphaPlus® polypropylene. 

Conductive Plastics for Solar Panel Manufacturing Fume Exhaust

A leading producer or solar panel materials needed a fume exhaust system that was electrically conductive, flame retardant, and highly efficient. Our AirTech PPs-EL duct system is all three things. We also designed and manufactured a custom flap valve and provided extensive site training on Simtech welding equipment. 

48-Hour Engineered Solution Prevents Costly Downtime

By helping this industry-leading chemical manufacturer finish a double-containment system in 72 hours, we saved them over $2million in losses due to unplanned downtime.