Semiconductor Plant Specs ContainTech® to Meet Tough Local Codes

At their plant in central Texas, a world leader in semiconductor manufacturing was struggling to meet strict local codes for the safe handling of hot, high-concentration spent sulfuric acid. Many companies handling corrosive or hazardous chemicals need help finding affordable solutions that enable them to comply with the regulations of multiple overlapping jurisdictions.
To meet their unique needs, Simtech designed a custom ContainTech® double-containment system featuring a combination of ArmorTech® inner carrier pipe (for higher temperature handling of corrosive acid) and a CPVC outer (containment) pipe. The system met all local, state and national safety requirements. This flangeless system also cost far less to install and maintain compared with alloys like Hastelloy C-276, a material traditionally associated with hot sulfuric acid handling.
Semiconductor Manufacturer, Central Texas