Critical High Purity Water Solutions for Cancer Research
This preeminent research hospital in Houston had an existing pure-water system that was built using unpigmented “natural” polypropylene pipe and fittings. The choice of an unpigmented PP led to problems with algae build-up and other incrustations on the interior of the pipe affecting the purity and efficiency of the system. Contamination or failure of a hospital’s high purity water system affects multiple aspects of operation including cleaning, sterilizer reuse, hemodialysis, decontamination washers and analyzer equipment.
The engineers at M.D. Anderson chose to replace the system with Simtech High Purity AlphaPlus® polypropylene. Its super-smooth inner bore prevents the propagation of bacteria and the formation of biofilm of any kind, and the pipe’s pigment blocks the UV light to eliminate the risk of algae growth. AlphaPlus’s extremely low surface roughness (RA12) also means the intervals between cleaning are extended, saving M.D. Anderson significant money and down-time over the life of the system.
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Life Sciences / Healthcare; High Purity RODI Water